Code improvements and custom modules
One of the most important factors when it comes to the speed, performance, and scalability of our site, is our code. By improving the performance of our code, it consumes fewer resources, allowing us to get more out of our current hardware.
This book has assumed that we have used existing modules to power our Drupal Social Network, however, if we start to expand our Social Network with our own custom developed modules, we might want to look at improvements we can make to our code. We can also use these tricks; if we find certain modules are having a detrimental effect on our site, to work out what is causing the problem, and allow us to fix it (we could even submit the fix as a patch to the module author on There are many user groups and discussion forums (a simple Google search will turn up ones related to particular issues) where we can join to ask and answer questions. By answering questions on topics we have experienced with; other users...