In this section, we will orchestrate different tasks using the Build Pipeline plugin available in Jenkins.
In Chapter 4, Cloud Computing and Configuration Management, we installed a Chef workstation, configured the hosted Chef account, and installed knife plugins for AWS and Microsoft Azure.
We created an instance in AWS EC2 using the following command:
[root@devops1 Desktop]# knife ec2 server create -I ami-1ecae776 -f t2.micro -N DevOpsVMonAWS --aws-access-key-id '< Your Access Key ID >' --aws-secret-access-key '< Your Secret Access Key >' -S book --identity-file book.pem --ssh-user ec2-user -r role[v-tomcat]
We created a virtual machine in Microsoft Azure using the following command:
[root@devops1 Desktop]# knife azure server create --azure-dns-name 'distechnodemo' --azure-vm-name 'dtserver02' --azure...