Translating text from Vietnamese to English
Translating text automatically (machine translation) has been a very interesting and useful use case for NLP since its inception, as breaking language barriers has lots of applications, including chatbots and automated subtitles in multiple languages.
Before deep learning, machine translation was typically approached as a statistical problem. Even after deep learning, it was not until Google, in 2016, applied deep learning to machine translation that the area of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) was born. This model set the foundation for translating tasks now available in LLMs, such as OpenAI GPT and Google Bard.
In this recipe, we will apply these techniques to translate sentences from Vietnamese to English, using pre-trained models from GluonNLP Model Zoo.
Getting ready
As in previous chapters, in this recipe, we will be using a little bit of matrix operations and linear algebra, but it will not be hard at all.