- action maps
- about / Action maps
- events, listening for / Listening for action map events
- events, IActionListener / IActionListener
- sections, enabling / Enabling action map sections
- ActionScript assets
- exposing / Exposing ActionScript assets
- <functions> section, adding / Functions
- events, setting up / Events
- AI
- about / The Artificial Intelligence (AI) system
- scripting / Scripting
- actors / AI actors
- goal pipes / Goal pipes
- signals / Signals
- behaviors / AI behaviors
- behaviors, sample / Sample
- IAIObject / IAIObject
- Character property / Character
- NavigationType property / NavigationType
- AI Actions / AI Actions
- AI actor implementation
- registering, in C# / In C#
- registering, in C++ / In C++
- AI base definition breakdown
- about / AI base definition breakdown
- AISample_x table / The AISample_x table
- CreateAI function / The CreateAI function
- RegisterAI function / The RegisterAI function
- AI entity definition
- creating / Creating the AI...