Chapter 7. JRPG – Second to Last Fantasy Online
While most of the mobile games can be played alone, there are a lot of cases where the experience becomes more enjoyable when the game is a multiplayer one. This chapter will walk us through the process of turning our JRPG into a multiplayer game. We will create a rudimentary game server where players can connect to and interact with each other. From there, we will iterate on the existing game and bring a multiplayer component to it. We will allow multiple players to roam around the map and interact with each other through a basic chat feature. In order to differentiate each player we will add the ability to change the hero's appearance.
This chapter differs from all the other chapters of this book, since it relies on the codebase covered in Chapter 6, JRPG – Second to Last Fantasy. While reading the previous chapter is strongly recommended in order to understand the changes covered, it is not 100 percent mandatory...