Kubernetes – container orchestration
So far, we have been individually deploying the services such as Eureka, the config server, the product
service, and Zuul.
Recollecting from the previous chapter, we can automate their deployment through CI, such as Jenkins. We also saw how the deployment could be done with Docker containers.
However, during runtime, the containers still run independently of each other. There is no mechanism to scale the containers, or to restart them if one has failed. Also, the decision on which service to deploy on which VM is manual, which means that the services always get deployed onto the static VMs that are designated for the services to run, instead of being mixed and matched intelligently. In short, the orchestration layer managing our application services is missing.
Kubernetes is a popular orchestration mechanism that makes deployment and runtime management an easier task.
Kubernetes architecture and services
Kubernetes is an open source project spearheaded by...