Creating HTML with Hiccup
In the last recipe, we set up a server and returned some data. However, most people want to view HTML, not JSON. In this recipe, we'll take a look at Hiccup ( This is a library that allows you to build web pages from Clojure expressions and data structures. It takes vectors, maps, keywords, and strings—or functions that return these—and turns them into HTML. This is a good solution for generating HTML from within Clojure web applications.
This recipe will build on the Serving data with Ring and Compojure recipe. I'll point out where you need to change or add things from that recipe, highlighting them as necessary. By the end of this recipe, we'll be serving a simple index page along with the census dataset.
Getting ready
First, we'll use the same dependencies in our project.clj
file as we did in the last recipe, plus one more. Here's the full list:
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "...