Time for action – simulating the glow of a kiln
Cycles offers a lot of ways to use light. Here, you are going to simulate the glow of a kiln as a white sphere acts as a light source and bounces light off red faces, turning the light that bounces to red light. First, you'll build the kiln:
- Open a new file in Blender.
- In the center of the top header, click the LMB over the button that says Blender Render, and choose Cycles Render from the drop-down menu, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Select the default lamp with the RMB. Press X to delete it.
- Select the cube with the RMB and press the Tab key to get into Edit Mode.
- In the 3D View header, click on the Viewport Shading menu button and choose Wireframe.
- In the 3D View header, click on the Face select mode button.
- Choose the face nearest to the camera.
- Press E to extrude it, and then press Enter.
- Press S, 0.5, and Enter.
- Press E, -1.7, and Enter.
- Press A to deselect all the faces.
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