Orchestrating using Amazon MWAA
Amazon MWAA is a managed service that allows you to build an end-to-end automated data pipeline using Apache Airflow. Apache Airflow is used to programmatically create workflows, to schedule, and to monitor. An entire data pipeline can be decomposed into a series of smaller tasks with the required dependencies to coordinate the execution of the tasks as part of a workflow. Workflows in Airflow are authored as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) using the Python programming language. The workflow's functionality can be extended through a set of powerful plugins. The monitoring of the workflow is done through the user interface (UI), and the workflow's functionality is extended through a set of powerful plugins.
In this recipe, we will build the underlying infrastructure used for Apache Airflow, using Amazon MWAA. After the infrastructure is built, we will build a data pipeline for the parts
Getting ready
To complete this recipe...