If you have experience with 3D printing using a RepRap printer, it will come as no surprise that occasionally, something will go wrong. You may find that it's not the result of a poor slicer profile or a poorly modeled object but a failure of the mechanical function of your printer. You might observe some strange behavior that quite possibly degrades the results of your print, or your printer may not work at all.
Usually, this is the result of a part or connection wiggling loose or the tension of a belt becoming slack. Sometimes, it's as simple as a screw or bolt falling off. If the printer is moved about often, there's a chance for it to be knocked out of alignment, or even worse, a part might be unknowingly damaged. After all, if you're using a true RepRap-designed printer, it's a bare-bones contraption, without the shielding of a hard case. It's very easy to have a wire snag on something and in turn, create a possible malfunction in the printer...