This year, Netflix decided to make Spring Boot as their core Java framework, while leveraging the community’s contributions via Spring Cloud Netflix.
The team at Netflix started working towards fully operating in the cloud in 2007. It also built several cloud infrastructure libraries and systems including, Ribbon, an Inter Process Communication (IPC) library for load balancing, Eureka, an AWS service registry for service discovery, and Hystrix, latency and fault tolerance library for fault tolerance.
Spring Cloud Netflix provides Netflix OSS integrations for Spring Boot apps with the help of autoconfiguration and binding to the Spring Environment. It was updated to version 1.0. in 2015. The idea behind Spring Cloud was to bring the Netflix OSS components using Spring Boot instead of Netflix internal solutions. It has now become the preferred way for the community to adopt Netflix’s Open Source software. It features Eureka, Ribbon, and Hystrix.
In the early 2010s, the requirements for Netflix cloud infrastructure were efficiency, reliability, scalability, and security. Since there were no other suitable alternatives, the team at Netflix created solutions in-house. By adopting the Spring Boot framework, Netflix has managed to meet all of these requirements as it provides great experiences such as:
Spring framework also features proven and long lasting abstractions and APIs. The Spring team has also provided quality implementations from abstractions and APIs. This abstract-and-implement methodology also matches well with Netflix’ principle of being “highly aligned, loosely coupled”.
“We plan to leverage the strong abstractions within Spring to further modularize and evolve the Netflix infrastructure. Where there is existing strong community direction such as the upcoming Spring Cloud Load Balancer , we intend to leverage these to replace aging Netflix software. ” - Netflix
Read more about this news on Netflix Tech blog.
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