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For anyone new to the world of stocks, looking at the charts and numbers can feel a bit like trying to read a foreign language. But with the right tools and a step-by-step approach, understanding these numbers becomes a whole lot easier. This guide aims to walk beginners through a basic analysis of APPLE's stock data. Here's what will be covered:
Step 1. Descriptive Statistics: The first step is to look at APPLE's stock prices. This means seeing the high points, the low points, and understanding how often they change.
Step 2. Time Series Analysis: This is all about checking the price of the stock over time. It helps to see if the price is going up, going down, or staying about the same.
Step 3. Volatility Analysis: This part helps to see how quickly and by how much the price changes. It's a way to see if the stock is calm or if it has a lot of ups and downs.
Step 4. Technical Indicators: These are simple tools that help guess what might happen next with the stock price. It's like trying to guess the end of a story by looking at what happened in the middle.
Step 5. Volume Analysis: This is about seeing how many times the stock was bought or sold. It gives a clue about how many people are interested in this stock.
With these five easy steps aided by prompts and Python codes, anyone can start to understand the basics of APPLE's stock data. It's a straightforward way to see the story behind the numbers.
You can access the data here (Link)
Using descriptive statistics, we assess the stock's central tendencies and dispersion by calculating the mean, median, and standard deviation of prices and volume, and pinpointing the highest and lowest values over the specified period.
Prompt 1: As a stock analyst, you are tasked with understanding the nuances of a given stock dataset. Start by loading the dataset that encompasses stock prices, specifically the Open, High, Low, and Close values, alongside trading volume. Compute fundamental descriptive statistics like the mean, median, standard deviation, as well as the maximum and minimum values for each mentioned category. Once done, provide a succinct summary detailing the key findings, highlighting any discernible trends or potential outliers that could be of significance to investors.
Response: We'll start by generating basic descriptive statistics for the stock prices (Open, High, Low, Close) and the trading volume.
The descriptive statistics for the stock prices and volume are as follows:
The next step is to visualize the dataset as a time series
Through time series analysis, we visualize stock price trends by plotting Open, High, Low, and Close values, while also examining seasonality, identifying prevailing trends, and detecting any anomalies or outliers in prices or volume.
Prompt 2: As a stock analyst, begin by loading the dataset and ensure it includes Date, Open, High, Low, and Close prices. Standardize the "Date" column format and set it as the index. Plot these stock prices against dates, making each distinct. Analyze the graph for evident trends, significant peaks, or troughs, and ponder potential influencing factors.
Response: It appears that the dataset contains the columns "Date", "Close/Last", "Volume", "Open", "High", and "Low". The "Date" column has inconsistent formats, so we'll need to standardize it. Additionally, the prices are represented as strings with dollar signs; we'll need to convert them to float values for analysis.
I'll begin by:
1. Standardizing the "Date" column format.
2. Converting the price columns to float values.
3. Setting the "Date" column as the index.
import pandas as pd
# Load the dataset
data = pd.read_excel("/mnt/data/HistoricalData_1Yr.xlsx")
# Display the first few rows of the dataset
The dataset has been appropriately formatted. The next step is to plot the stock prices (Open, High, Low, and Close/Last) against their respective dates. Each price will be represented with a distinct line for clarity.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Plotting the stock prices
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
for col in price_columns:
plt.plot(data.index, data[col], label=col)
plt.title("Stock Prices Over Time")
plt.ylabel("Price ($)")
Interpretation: When looking at a stock chart, I first noticed its overall upward movement. Yet, near the end, it seemed to stabilize or maybe even decline a bit. Two clear points caught my attention: a high point in the middle and a low point at the start. Stock prices can change due to company news or broader events, and sometimes, high trading volumes can make prices shift dramatically. It's also important to remember that the general mood of investors can set the direction for a stock's movement. Now let’s look at the volatility to check if the share is tradable or not
By calculating daily returns and computing the rolling standard deviation, we can effectively analyze and track the volatility of a financial instrument over time.
Prompt 3: As a stock analyst, it's imperative to grasp the volatility of a stock, a crucial aspect for investors. To achieve this, compute the stock's daily returns by measuring the percentage change in the closing price from one day to the subsequent one. Once computed, proceed to plot these daily returns, which will visually represent the stock's volatility throughout the chosen time frame. Your plot, reflecting the daily returns over time, will offer invaluable insights into the stock's stability or fluctuations, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.
Response: To grasp the volatility of the stock:
We'll compute the stock's daily returns. This is achieved by measuring the percentage change in the closing price from one day to the subsequent one.
We'll plot these daily returns over time, which will offer a visual representation of the stock's volatility throughout the chosen time frame.
# Compute the daily returns
data['Daily Returns'] = data['Close/Last'].pct_change()
# Display the first few rows of the daily returns
data['Daily Returns'].head()
The daily returns have been successfully computed. As expected, the first entry is NaN since there's no previous day to calculate the percentage change from.
Now, let's plot these daily returns over time to visually assess the stock's volatility.
# Plotting the daily returns
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
plt.plot(data.index, data['Daily Returns'], label='Daily Returns', color='blue')
plt.axhline(0, color='red', linestyle='--') # Adding a horizontal line at y=0 for reference
plt.title("Daily Returns Over Time")
plt.ylabel("Daily Return")
Interpretation: When I look at the stock's daily returns, I see its ups and downs around the red zero line, showing its riskiness. Close-to-zero movements mean the stock is steady, while bigger jumps indicate more unpredictability. Different events, like company news or global happenings, can cause these shifts. So, when choosing stocks, it's crucial to know whether you prefer a calm ride or a roller coaster of returns.
Since we know every information is inbuilt price data itself let’s analyze it to decode that information
Through the calculation of moving averages, such as the 50-day and 200-day, and the identification of golden or death crosses, coupled with the computation of the RSI, we can gauge market momentum and discern overbought or oversold conditions.
Prompt 4: As a seasoned stock analyst, you recognize the importance of technical indicators like moving averages to gauge the potential direction of a stock's momentum. For this analysis, focus on two primary moving averages: the 50-day and the 200-day. By calculating these, you can ascertain pivotal trend indications. Notably, watch for the "Golden Cross," a bullish signal that arises when the 50-day moving average surpasses the 200-day moving average. Conversely, be wary of the "Death Cross," which is a bearish sign indicating potential downtrends when the 50-day moving average drops below the 200-day one. These cross points can serve as critical markers for investors, helping them strategize their market positions.
Response: The 50-day and 200-day moving averages are among the most observed technical indicators in stock analysis. These moving averages help to smooth out price data to create a single flowing line, making it easier to identify the direction of the trend.
Let's proceed with the following steps:
Identify and annotate potential "Golden Cross" and "Death Cross" points on the plot.
Let's begin by calculating the two moving averages.
# Calculate the 50-day and 200-day moving averages
data['50-day MA'] = data['Close/Last'].rolling(window=50).mean()
data['200-day MA'] = data['Close/Last'].rolling(window=200).mean()
# Display the first few rows of the moving averages
data[['Close/Last', '50-day MA', '200-day MA']].tail()
The 50-day and 200-day moving averages have been calculated successfully. To better understand their implications:
# Plotting the closing price and moving averages
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
plt.plot(data.index, data['Close/Last'], label='Close Price', color='black', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(data.index, data['50-day MA'], label='50-day MA', color='blue')
plt.plot(data.index, data['200-day MA'], label='200-day MA', color='red')
# Identifying the Golden Cross and Death Cross
golden_cross = data[(data['50-day MA'] > data['200-day MA']) & (data['50-day MA'].shift(1) <= data['200-day MA'].shift(1))]
death_cross = data[(data['50-day MA'] < data['200-day MA']) & (data['50-day MA'].shift(1) >= data['200-day MA'].shift(1))]
# Annotating the Golden Cross and Death Cross on the plot
for date in golden_cross.index:
plt.annotate('Golden Cross', xy=(date, data['200-day MA'].loc[date]),
xytext=(date, data['200-day MA'].loc[date] + 10),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='green', arrowstyle='->'), color='green')
for date in death_cross.index:
plt.annotate('Death Cross', xy=(date, data['200-day MA'].loc[date]),
xytext=(date, data['200-day MA'].loc[date] - 10),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', arrowstyle='->'), color='red')
# Other plot settings
plt.title("Stock Price with 50-day and 200-day Moving Averages")
plt.ylabel("Price ($)")
Interpretation: The chart shows the stock's closing price with two different line averages: a 50-day (blue) and a 200-day (red). When the 50-day line goes above the 200-day line, marked by green arrows, it usually suggests the stock might go up. On the other hand, red arrows where the 50-day line dips below indicate the stock might drop. These crossing points, known as the "Golden" and "Death" Cross, can help investors gauge the stock's potential direction. Simply put, these averages provide hints on whether the stock is on an upward or downward path. Let’s have a look at the volume of the APPLE stock.
By analyzing volume spikes in relation to stock price movements and plotting volume over time, we can discern potential patterns and their impact on market dynamics.
Prompt 5: In your role as a stock analyst, understanding trading volume's nuances is equally as vital as tracking price movements. Now, turn your attention to plotting the trading volume against time. This visualization can reveal patterns or substantial spikes in trading volume, which might correlate with notable price shifts. Such correlations can often indicate key market events or investor sentiment shifts. The graph you produce, illustrating the trading volume over the period, will provide a clearer picture of the stock's liquidity and the market's interest in it. This, in turn, will guide investment decisions and strategies.
Response: Trading volume is a critical metric for stock analysts. It provides insights into the stock's liquidity and the market's interest in it. High trading volumes can indicate strong interest in a stock, and when paired with price movements, can reveal significant market events or shifts in investor sentiment.
Let's proceed with the following steps:
1. Plot the trading volume against time.
2. Highlight and annotate any substantial spikes in trading volume.
3. Overlay the stock's closing price to see if there's any correlation between trading volume spikes and significant price shifts.
# Plotting the trading volume against time
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7))
# Twin the axes for two different y-axes
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
# Plotting trading volume on ax1
ax1.bar(data.index, data['Volume'], color='gray', alpha=0.5, label='Volume')
ax1.set_ylabel('Trading Volume', color='gray')
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='gray')
ax1.set_title("Trading Volume and Stock Price Over Time")
# Plotting closing price on ax2
ax2.plot(data.index, data['Close/Last'], color='blue', label='Close Price')
ax2.set_ylabel('Close Price ($)', color='blue')
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='blue')
# Highlighting and annotating substantial volume spikes
average_volume = data['Volume'].mean()
high_volume_dates = data[data['Volume'] > 1.5 * average_volume]
for date in high_volume_dates.index:
ax1.annotate('High Volume', xy=(date, high_volume_dates['Volume'].loc[date]),
xytext=(date, high_volume_dates['Volume'].loc[date] + 5e6),
arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', arrowstyle='->'), color='red')
Let's begin by visualizing the trading volume against time.
Interpretation: The chart displays both the stock's closing price (blue line) and how often it was traded (gray bars). Larger gray bars show days when the stock was traded more frequently. Some days, highlighted with red arrows, even saw an unusually high trading activity. Looking at these spikes alongside the blue line, we can guess if positive or negative news affected the stock. Generally, when a stock is traded often, it's easier to buy or sell without greatly changing its price. This chart helps investors gauge interest in the stock and its stability, supporting smarter investment choices.
In conclusion, while the world of stocks might initially seem like an intricate puzzle, it truly isn't as daunting as it first appears. By systematically breaking down APPLE's stock data through the aforementioned steps, even a beginner can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of the stock market. Think of it as assembling the pieces of a story – from setting the scene with descriptive statistics to reaching the climax with volume analysis. And with the added advantage of specific prompts and Python code to guide the way, understanding the ebb and flow of stocks becomes a clear and attainable goal. So, here's to turning those charts and numbers from intimidating to intriguing, and uncovering the fascinating story they hold within.
Dr. Anshul Saxena is an author, corporate consultant, inventor, and educator who assists clients in finding financial solutions using quantum computing and generative AI. He has filed over three Indian patents and has been granted an Australian Innovation Patent. Anshul is the author of two best-selling books in the realm of HR Analytics and Quantum Computing (Packt Publications). He has been instrumental in setting up new-age specializations like decision sciences and business analytics in multiple business schools across India. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor and Coordinator – Center for Emerging Business Technologies at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Pune Lavasa Campus. Dr. Anshul has also worked with reputed companies like IBM as a curriculum designer and trainer and has been instrumental in training 1000+ academicians and working professionals from universities and corporate houses like UPES, CRMIT, and NITTE Mangalore, Vishwakarma University, Pune & Kaziranga University, and KPMG, IBM, Altran, TCS, Metro CASH & Carry, HPCL & IOC. With a work experience of 5 years in the domain of financial risk analytics with TCS and Northern Trust, Dr. Anshul has guided master's students in creating projects on emerging business technologies, which have resulted in 8+ Scopus-indexed papers. Dr. Anshul holds a PhD in Applied AI (Management), an MBA in Finance, and a BSc in Chemistry. He possesses multiple certificates in the field of Generative AI and Quantum Computing from organizations like SAS, IBM, IISC, Harvard, and BIMTECH.
Author of the book: Financial Modeling Using Quantum Computing