In this article by Syed Fazle Rahman, author of the book Bootstrap for Rails,we will learn how to present your application in the best possible way, which has been the most important factor for every web developer for ages. In this mobile-first generation, we are forced to go with the wind and make our application compatible with mobiles, tablets, PCs, and every possible display on Earth.
Bootstrap is the one stop solution for all woes that developers have been facing. It creates beautiful responsive designs without any extra efforts and without any advanced CSS knowledge. It is a true boon for every developer.
we will be focusing on how to beautify our Rails applications through the help of Bootstrap. We will create a basic Todo application with Rails. We will explore the folder structure of a Rails application and analyze which folders are important for templating a Rails Application. This will be helpful if you want to quickly revisit Rails concepts.
We will also see how to create views, link them, and also style them. The styling in this article will be done traditionally through the application's default CSS files. Finally, we will discuss how we can speed up the designing process using Bootstrap.
In short, we will cover the following topics:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Rails is one the most popular Ruby frameworks which is currently at its peak, both in terms of demand and technology trend. With more than 3,100 members contributing to its development, and tens of thousands of applications already built using it, Rails has created a standard for every other framework in the Web today.
Rails was initially developed by David Heinemeier Hansson in 2003 to ease his own development process in Ruby. Later, he became generous enough to release Rails to the open source community. Today, it is popularly known as Ruby on Rails.
Rails shortens the development life cycle by moving the focus from reinventing the wheel to innovating new features. It is based on the convention of the configurations principle, which means that if you follow the Rails conventions, you would end up writing much less code than you would otherwise write.
Bootstrap, on the other hand, is one of the most popular frontend development frameworks. It was initially developed at Twitter for some of its internal projects. It makes the life of a novice web developer easier by providing most of the reusable components that are already built and are ready to use. Bootstrap can be easily integrated with a Rails development environment through various methods. We can directly use the .css files provided by the framework, or can extend it through its Sass version and let Rails compile it.
Sass is a CSS preprocessor that brings logic and functionality into CSS. It includes features like variables, functions, mixins, and others. Using the Sass version of Bootstrap is a recommended method in Rails. It gives various options to customize Bootstrap's default styles easily.
Bootstrap also provides various JavaScript components that can be used by those who don't have any real JavaScript knowledge. These components are required in almost every modern website being built today.
Bootstrap with Rails is a deadly combination. You can build applications faster and invest more time to think about functionality, rather than rewrite codes.
I assume that you already have basic knowledge of Rails development. You should also have Rails and Ruby installed in your machine to start with.
Let's first understand what this Todo application will do. Our application will allow us to create, update, and delete items from the Todo list. We will first analyze the folders that are created while scaffolding this application and which of them are necessary for templating the application.
So, let's dip our feet into the water:
rails new TODO
The output for the preceding command is as follows:
Now, you should have a new folder inside Bootstrap_Rails_Project named TODO, which was created by the preceding code. Here is the output:
Let's navigate to the TODO folder to check how our application's folder structure looks like:
Let me explain to you some of the important folders here:
So, let's start the Rails server and check out our application on the browser:
rails server
You can also use the following command:
rails s
You can also use the following URL:
We will be using Rails' scaffold method to create models, views, and other necessary files that Rails needs to make our application live. Here's the set of tasks that our application should perform:
The task looks pretty lengthy, but any Rails developer would know how easy it is to do. We don't actually have to do anything to achieve it. We just have to pass a single scaffold command, and the rest will be taken care of.
Close the Rails server using Ctrl + C keys and then proceed as follows:
rails g scaffold todo title:string description:text completed:boolean
This will create a new model called todo that has various fields like title, description, and completed. Each field has a type associated with it.
rake db:create db:migrate
The preceding code will create a new table inside a new database with the associated fields.
rails s
It was easy, wasn't it? We haven't done anything yet. That's the power of Rails, which people are crazy about.
This article was to brief you on how to develop and design a simple Rails application without the help of any CSS frontend frameworks. We manually styled the application by creating an external CSS file styles.css and importing it into the application using another CSS file application.css. We also discussed the complexities that a novice web designer might face on directly styling the application.
Further resources on this subject: