Author Spotlight
By Debashish Chakrabarty (
Why it's awesome: Displays an author card on all posts written by the author
Why it was picked: Simple widget, easy to use

License: GNU General Public License
Manual Install URL:
Automatic Install search term: Author Spotlight
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: None
Used in: Widget
Author Spotlight is another truly simple plugin to promote your blog's most valuable assets, namely, its authors. Just as with any other widget-based plugin, you will need to visit Appearance | Widgets and drag the Author Spotlight widget to your blog's sidebar.
Styling the Author widget
Widgets often fall victim to a theme's stylesheet, meaning that the theme often ignores applying any type of styling to plugins that the original theme designer didn't intend on being used. Author Spotlight is no exception.
If you're an advanced user who's comfortable with CSS, here are the classes...