404 Notifier
By Alex King (http://alexking.org/)
Why it's awesome: Turns visitors into 404 hunters and notifies you instantly if they find anything
Why it was picked: Simplicity; Alex King rocks at WordPress plugins

Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/404-notifier/
Automatic Install search term: 404 Notifier
Geek level: Newbie
Configuration location: Settings | 404 Notifier
Used in: Administrator
If you've been running a blog for a long time, there's a good chance that many of the links you referenced in the past are no longer valid. Sure, you could manually go through all of your posts and hunt down each of these missing pages, but where's the fun in that? Instead, use 404 Notifier and let your blog's traffic find all of the broken links for you. Once a visitor hits a page that no longer exists, an e-mail will automatically be fired off to an e-mail address that you provide. Additionally, you can subscribe to the 404 Feed and track any missing pages through your...