Adding support for OpenGL and OpenCL applications
Modern operating systems such as Windows Server 2019 are built to solve modern problems. A lot of modern problems these days are solved with the use of OpenCL computations. OpenCL is hardware-accelerated computing, most usually found on dedicated graphics cards. That's right – the same kind of graphics cards you might put in a gaming PC. There are also dedicated server-grade compute cards that deliver the same computation performance but are packaged in a way that makes them easier to sell to data centers. However, I have seen (and built) data center servers that contain consumer-grade graphics cards. Sometimes, multiple cards in the single server.
There is also OpenGL, which allows for graphics-heavy computations, such as CAD, 3D rendering, or even high-resolution video streaming. Most cards that support one will support the other.
The good news for Remote Desktop users is that we can now allow people to use these...