FontAwesome is just awesome
One of the ways that developers save resources when dealing with a multitude of icons is with the use of font icons. These are font files that, instead of characters, display icons. This concept is not new, but it has a lot of applications in web development. Using fonts for icons, as opposed to other techniques (such as CSS sprite sheets, for example) has plenty of benefits. One of the most relevant is that these icons are subject to the same manipulation as regular fonts, so we can easily alter their size, color, and so on, and keep them in coordination with the rest of the text. Not all is joy and happiness with this approach, since now, the major trade-off is that these icons display only one or two colors at most and have to be rather simple by necessity.
FontAwesome is a website that offers icon fonts to use in our applications, both web and desktop. It has been doing this for years and has some of the best icon collections out there. We can download...