Chapter 8: Introduction to Project and Item Templates
Section 1, Visual Studio IDE Productivity Essentials of this book covered necessary basics such as shortcuts and snippets that speed up your everyday coding at a micro level. By now, we hope you have already picked up a few helpful tips and tricks. This chapter kicks off Section 2, Customizing Project Templates and Beyond of the book, where we take things up a notch. Project and item templates accelerate the creation of classes, and even entire projects. The techniques examined are quite valuable, yet underutilized among developers.
In this chapter, we will cover material aimed at the following topics:
- Understanding item templates
- Knowing when to use project templates
- Looking at a sample scenario
- Valuing templates
The majority of .NET developers use templates all day, but did you know that you can also create your own? After introducing the concept of templates, you will work with a couple of pre...