As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
80/20 rule 76
A/B testing 237
accessibility (A11y) 152
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)
reference link 153
adaptive messages
using 323, 324
multiple backlogs, working with 113, 114
AI readiness
accountability, for outcome 404
aligning 404
automation 405
backlog, prioritizing 405
data, managing 404
goals, setting 403
tenets 403
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
reference link 153
Andrew Ng’s agentic approach 245
advanced techniques 250
ChatGPT parameters, adjusting 252-256
emotional prompting strategy 250, 251
multi-agent collection 248, 249
multi-modal prompting 256, 257
planning 248
reflection 246
third-party prompt frameworks 257-259
tool use 247
annotation 189