Managing grantees
As with most areas of CiviCRM, your grant management tools will be available through the main menu and a corresponding tab will be displayed on contact records. By default, the Grants menu is a submenu under Other. If you expect to be a heavy user of the grant tools, you may want to move it to the main menu. Visit Administer | Customize | Navigation Menu to edit the main horizontal menu.
Let's begin by visiting a contact and creating a new grant record.

As you can see, the grant record follows the flowchart workflow pretty closely. You select the desired status, type, and complete the other fields as appropriate.
Grant records are a little different from other areas of CiviCRM in that you are likely to return to edit the record multiple times over the course of the grant process. As the grant moves through the application, approval, fund dissemination, and reporting stages, you will return and edit the record to update the dates and record notes or add attachments pertaining...