Using Take Damage events to produce explosions
In this recipe we'll introduce an event that allows you to fire off actions when an actor happens to take damage from the player or from a Bot. This lesson will also cover how to add particle emitters to the event to generate explosions. Rather than use many particle emitters we'll teleport a single emitter from place to place whenever it is needed.
Getting ready
Open Packt_04_Explosions_Start.UDK or continue from where you were in the previous recipe if you completed it. In this map the Bot handling is already set up, from previous recipes.
How to do it...
In the map are four glowing white spheres. In gameplay, they are exposed in order by touching one after the other. Each of these is represented in Kismet by an Object Variable. These are indicated as KActor_0 to KActor_4. Locate the Object Variable KActor_0 in the commented section Collect All Four Orbs. Right-click on it and choose Select KActor_0 in level.
In the section commented Initial Conditions...