Taking Your Design and Editing to the Next Level with Photopea
This book will teach you the essentials of photo editing and design, which includes: layer effects, retouching, arranging images with enticing text in a step by step process. Each essential task will build up your skillset to execute features as they gradually advance. This will create an organized, fun, and effective way of learning Photopea, and can be applied to most photo editing software.
There are several advantages of using Photopea:
- Firstly, it doesn’t take as much computing power as other photo editing programs.
- It’s free to try, and free to use as often as you’d like without watermarks on your documents.
- Secondly, it can run on all your devices (including smartphones), but I would advise working on a large screen tablet, laptop, or desktop when working to easily navigate in the interface.
The only issue that can occur is that it may run slow at times depending on how strong the internet connection is.
In this chapter, we will cover how to easily create an account to use Photopea and work directly in the web browser, how to download and access it from your desktop and compare the free versus paid version.
From there, we will learn the about raster and vector images, when to use raster and vector, and break down the different Color Modes; RGB versus CMYK, and greyscale.
In this chapter, we will learn the following skills:
- Learn how to set up a user account and properly install the software.
- Learn about the difference between the free version and paid subscription; help users decide which option is best for them.
- Learn what raster and vector images are, and how and when to use them.
- Learn about RGB and CMYK when using color for documents, monitors, and setting up documents for different printers.
In this chapter we will cover the following topics:
- Installing Photopea and Setting up an Account
- Free versus Premium Version
- Raster and Vector Images Explained
- RGB versus CMYK Color Modes