7.5 Diagrams and the Design Process
We have covered a great deal of ground in this chapter concerning the syntax and semantics of diagrams. Now, though, is the time to step back and take a look at the larger picture: the use of these diagrams within the software design process. Here, our process model is based on implementing a large system consisting of a network, node, processor, and task-level designs. The diagrams listed have been defined in general or generic terms only; detailed syntax and semantics are not specified. Now, in practice, we're likely to implement a design using either standard structured (functional or data flow methods) or OO techniques. So, how well do these support the diagramming needs outlined in Figure 6.20? The answer to this is given in Figures 7.67 to 7.70:
Figure 7.67: Diagrams and network-level design
Figure 7.68: Diagrams and node-level design
Figure 7.69: Diagrams and processor...