Using drawing modifiers
Every single native command used to draw something on the screen has at least one modifier connected to it. While some of these are simple modifications such as locking to an axis while defining geometry, some will actually change where or how geometry is created. In this section, we will list out all the drawing commands and give examples of how and when you might use each of the modifier keys.
Inference Locking Uses Keys, Too
Input commands do lean heavily on inferencing for establishing where geometry will be in 3D space and allow the user to lock to inferences using certain keys. Inferencing will be covered in fine detail in the very next chapter, Chapter 4, Taking Inferencing to the Next Level.
In this section, each drawing modifier is listed along with any modifier keys that can be used. The description will focus on how the modifiers change what the command does, and worry less about the command without modifiers (I am assuming that you have...