Curic Mirror from Curic
Some users are quick to point out the lack of a mirror function in the native set of SketchUp tools. There are ways to mirror selected geometry, but not using a command that acts like the mirror commands seen in other drawing software. With the Scale tool, selected geometry can be scaled along any axis to -1 to effectively mirror it. You can use the Flip Along command found in the context menu to quickly flip selected geometry. While these commands do work, they require geometry to be squared up to a specific axis and can only mirror in a single direction.
This is where Curic Mirror comes in. Using Curic Mirror, you can mirror your selection along any geometry in the model. You also have the option to keep or replace the existing geometry, meaning that duplicating half a model is a single step!
Let’s take a look at some specifics of how Curic Mirror can be used in your workflow.
Curic Mirror overview
Curic Mirror is the epitome of a simple...