Resources – website outline template and digital asset checklist
To help you to begin to build your website, use this outline template to start mapping out your project, then use the following digital asset checklist to confirm you have what you need from a visual perspective.
Site outline
For each page that you would like to see on your website, fill in the following info:
PAGE TITLE: What do you want the page to be called? Example: Home.
TEXT CONTENT: Text and content you’d like added to the home page. Feel free to include headings.
IMAGES/VIDEO CONTENT: If you have specific images, videos, or galleries you’d like featured on the page, please note their filenames here with details on where they should live.
LINKS TO INSPIRATION FOR THIS PAGE AND/OR NOTES ABOUT FUNCTIONALITY: If you have a specific look in mind or ways you want this page to work, you can link to them or describe them here.