Exploring each dimension of the IoT Ecosystem through data (Univariates)
Let's dig deeper into each dimension in the IoT use case to understand more realistically what the data showcases. We will perform extensive univariate analysis to study and visualize the entire data landscape.
What does the data say?
We visited the data dimensions while exploring the gold mines in data (in the previous section) and understood that Product_Qty_Unit, Product_ID, Material_ID, and Product_Name indicate that the columns contain a single value. Therefore, we conclude that the data in the use case is provided for a specific product and its output is measured in Kgs. Let's start exploring Order Quantity and Produced Quantity in depth. We initially studied the data dimensions using summary commands that gave us the percentile distribution. Let's take this one step further.
Order Quantity and Produced Quantity are both continuous variables, that is, a variable that can have infinite number of values...