Exception handling in test classes
Exception handling is extremely important in both page object class methods and test class methods. All test methods should include throws Exception
in the signature or contain a try...catch
block to handle the exceptions (checked exceptions), and the @BeforeMethod
methods should query results and clean up if necessary. Let's look at a couple of scenarios that handle exceptions in test methods.
Here is a link to the most common Selenium exceptions: https://seleniumhq.github.io/selenium/docs/api/py/common/selenium.common.exceptions.html.
Test methods
When we developed Java utility and page object classes, we added exception handling to the methods. In some cases, methods can include specific exception types or just throw general exception conditions. Users often use the try...catch...finally
syntax to trap exceptions and handle them using a custom set of actions, but using this syntax should not be exclusive. We want exceptions to occur implicitly...