Document store - MongoDB
Unlike a key/value store, document stores support indexing and searching for data based on different criteria, for example, attributes of a given document. This brings greater flexibility in comparison to key/value stores. Let's imagine we need to find all contacts belonging to the Dev
group. With a key/value data store, we will need to iterate through all the records and check individually which records belong to the Dev
group. In document stores, all we need to do is tell the database to give us the documents that contain the Dev
value in their groups field, and this is achieved with an expression as simple as {groups: 'Dev'}
, convenient; isn't it?
MongoDB is an open-source document database with built-in support for the JSON format. It provides a full index support, based on any of the available attributes in a document. It is ideal for high-availability scenarios due to its scalability features. MongoDB, available at