QlikView architecture essentials
QlikView follows a multi-tier architecture. Developers use the QlikView desktop to connect to various data sources and create data load scripts and dashboards. These qvw files are called source documents and are stored in the Source Documents
folder on the server.

The following are the important components of the QlikView architecture:
QlikView Server (QVS): It provides a platform for hosting and sharing QlikView documents over the web portal. QVS is responsible for user management, security, and data reload functionality.
Publisher: It is a component of the server and it helps in publishing the documents, securing the application, and data reduction according to the requirements. Once published, documents go into the
User Documents
folder. Users view these documents using an access point. This access point is QlikView's web portal.QlikView Management Console (QMC): It is used to access the server and control all aspects of server deployment.
Access Point...