That completes our chapter building and our PCG Roguelike game. The game is by no means done, but it is very much playable. This is a great starter project that you can, and should, finish on you own. Every piece of this project was done using the theory of PCG, but it all can be improved.
For example, the music in this chapter can easily use more sounds. You can even add to the Sound Manager, making it choose 5-10 sounds from a large list of preloaded sounds. Use your imagination and continue building with PCG.
You learned some simple music theory. You learned how to approach changing a complex subject into an algorithm. And lastly, you took some time and modularized your code to make it neater and more reusable.
Remember, PCG doesn't stop at visual art or music. Be inventive when you approach PCG. You can procedurally generate anything. Think about how you can procedurally generate story, AI behavior, sounds, user interfaces, animations, or anything really!
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