Using the AQ adapter to send messages to the database
In this recipe, we will configure an outbound AQ adapter, so that it can be used to publish messages from the Oracle Service Bus to an Oracle AQ queue on the database:

The AQ database queue CUSTOMER_QUEUE
, which we will use has been set up with the OSB Cookbook standard environment using the following SQL and PL/SQL code:
BEGIN sys.dbms_aqadm.create_queue_table( queue_table => 'CUSTOMER_QUEUE_T', queue_payload_type => 'SYS.XMLTYPE', storage_clause => 'PCTFREE 10 PCTUSED 40 INITRANS 1 MAXTRANS 255', sort_list => 'ENQ_TIME', compatible => '8.1.3'); END; / BEGIN sys.dbms_aqadm.create_queue( queue_name => 'CUSTOMER_QUEUE', queue_table => 'CUSTOMER_QUEUE_T', queue_type => sys.dbms_aqadm.normal_queue, max_retries => 5, retry_delay => 0); sys.dbms_aqadm...