Planning based on your institution's mission and vision
Many learning organizations offer similar courses, yet their students feed back remarkably different experiences and outcomes. How can that be, if the content is identical? The reality is that your course content is just a part of the learning equation because it's all about the learning, not the teaching. A large component has to do with how the content is framed, contextualized, and then applied. Each ties into the primary mission and vision of your organization.
As your organization decides what it wants to be in the world and how it wants to make an impact, it must devise its primary mission – that is, the how we will do it component to the overarching what our ideal world looks like question. If you think this sounds a bit utopian, you are right. It is. The best learning organizations want to create a better world, even if that utopia will never actually exist in the real world, and to get there, they...