We have been storming through the world of DL in the last few chapters. We started off with the basic premise of DL, what it is, and why it became so popular. Then, we saw a few common building blocks that are typically used in time series forecasting and got our hands dirty learning how we can put what we have learned into practice using PyTorch. Although we talked about RNNs, LSTMs, GRUs, and so on, we purposefully left out attention and Transformers because they deserved a separate chapter.
We started the chapter by learning about the generalized attention model, helping you put a framework around all the different schemes of attention out there, and then went into detail on a few common attention schemes, such as scaled dot product, additive, and general attention. Right after incorporating attention into the Seq2Seq models we were playing with in Chapter 12, Building Blocks of Deep Learning for Time Series, we started with the Transformer.
We examined all the...