Testing security
By now, you must be looking forward to testing. You can find the API client collection at the following location. You can import it and then test the APIs, using any API client that supports the HAR type file import: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Modern-API-Development-with-Spring-6-and-Spring-Boot-3/blob/main/Chapter06/Chapter06-API-Collection.har.
Important note
Make sure to generate the keys again, as keys generated by the JDK keytool are only valid for 90 days.
Building and running the Chapter 06 code
You can build the code by running gradlew clean build
from the root of the project, and you can run the service using java -jar build/libs/Chapter06-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
. Make sure to use Java 17 in the path.
Now, let’s test our first use case.
Let’s fire the GET /api/vi/addresses
API without the Authorization
header, as shown in the following command:
$ curl -v 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/addresses' -H 'Content...