Configuring ports in Marathon
In the previous recipe, we saw how to deploy our microservice in Marathon. We were able to deploy the geolocation microservice on Marathon, but it was not really useful because we haven't figured out how to talk to our microservice via its RESTful API. In this recipe, we will learn how to configure our application's service and host ports in Marathon to expose the RESTful APIs.
Getting ready
If you don't have your cluster up and running, bring it back up. Also make sure you have the geolocation application up and running in your cluster. You can verify that from the Marathon web interface.
How to do it...
From the Instances grid, click on the application instance and go to the Configuration tab. The Configuration tab is used to show the Marathon configurations for your application. You will see several configurations, such as the memory, CPU, disk space, Docker container, and health checks:
In the Container section, you will see JSON code similar to this: