As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
acceptance tests 519
alert role 174, 249
element description 249
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)
about 109, 174
aria-describedby 234, 243
act function
about 61, 255, 460
reference link 19
using 18-20
Act phase 148, 150
addAppointment 212
after parameter 268
alert role
about 174, 249
using, on multiple elements 249
AnimatedLine component
building 414-417
behavior, varying 431-437
canceling, with cancelAnimationFrame 429-431
class 506-508
designing 412, 413
turtle position, using for 422
animation status
anonymous functions 472
App component
about 209
plan, formulating 210, 211
state, using to control active view 211-219
updating 460-463
data structure...