We have already seen a little preview of ogr2ogr exporting the data when we made sure that our KML import had actually brought in the proper data. This time we'll expand on the subject a bit and also export a few more formats, to give you an idea of how sound a tool ogr2ogr is.
In order to get some information on the tool, simply type the following in the console:
Alternatively, if you would like to get some more descriptive info, visit http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html.
You could also type the following:
ogr2ogr -long-usage
The nice thing about ogr2ogr is that the tool is very flexible and offers some options that allow us to export exactly what we are after. You can specify what data you would like to select by specifying the columns in a -select parameter. -where parameter lets you specify the filtering for your dataset in case you want to output only a subset...