This chapter has presented a wide variety of options for producing visualizations that are now available to Julia programmers.
First, we looked at some of the popular “golden oldies” packages, such as UnicodePlots, Winston, Gadfly, PyPlot, and PGFPlots. After this, we introduced the Plots API, together with some of the newer backends, such as GR and PlotlyJS.
Then, we looked at how the Plotly cloud-based system can be utilized in Julia to generate, manipulate, and store data visualizations online. The Plots API makes provisioning graphic frameworks such as StatsPlots and Makie possible; we discussed these briefly.
Finally, we looked at how raster graphics can be processed and displayed.
In the next chapter, we will return to the subject of accessing data by looking at the various ways with which we can interact with SQL and NoSQL databases in Julia, delving into the Queryverse and introducing one further graphics package: Vega Lite.