Configuring MSIX app attach
MSIX app attach will eventually change to the new version, app attach, which is currently in preview. ‘MSIX App Attach’ and ‘App Attach’
In this section, we’ll look at adding MSIX packages to a host pool within the Azure portal:
MSIX app attach: Delivery of applications occurs via RemoteApp or within a desktop session. Permissions are regulated through assignment to application groups. Additionally, all MSIX app-attached applications are visible to desktop users within the desktop application group.
Ensure you have installed the required code-signed certificates before proceeding with the steps detailed in this section. The configuration will fail on certificate validation if not installed on each session host within the host pool.
- To add MSIX packages, navigate to the MSIX packages blade located within the host pool. You will see the icon and the name MSIX packages under the Manage...