Finding coordinates for an address
There are times when you have an address or just a city or a country, and you try to find the coordinates (latitude and longitude). The reverse is also true; you may have the latitude and longitude and want to get an address. This process is called geocoding.
Reverse geocoding is useful if, for example, we create a marker using the latitude and longitude and want to show the marker's address. Mapbox services also give you the ability to get the coordinates (latitude and longitude) from an address; this process is called forward geocoding.
How to do it…
The following steps need to be performed:
- Construct a GET request by specifying the master source and query.
- Paste the request in the browser or in a REST client.
You will get back a JSON with coordinates that match your query.
The format of the requests has to be similar to the following:
{dataset}/{lon},{lat}.json?access_token=<your access token>
A complete request will look similar to the following...