A New World of Extensions
Up to this point in time of writing, everything that we've discussed is available. However, there is a new world coming in the LiveCode 8.0 development. The following text is a look at the future as presented at the RunRev14 conference in September 2014 and as presented in an early 2015 newsletter status report by Benjamin Beaumont of LiveCode. We have been hearing about an Open Language and Widgets. Some of the terminology and details may change from what we present here. Indeed, Open Language already has seen the terms of LiveCodish, Modular LiveCode, and now LiveCode Builder.
While all the previous add-ons were extensions, the term is taking on an expanded meaning. An extension is a black box that extends the engine in some way, exporting handlers that perform specific functions. They are insulated from the rest of the engine and each other.
The new Extensions can be libraries or widgets. Libraries are the replacement for externals, add commands, and functions...