JSF 2 portlet
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a request-driven MVC web framework based on the component-driven UI design model, using XML files called view templates or Facelets views. Basically, requests are processed by the FacesServlet
, which loads the appropriate view template, builds a component tree, processes events, and renders the response, typically in HTML, to the client. Refer to http://javaserverfaces.java.net/.
JavaServer Faces 2.x (JSR-314) has enhanced functionality and performance. Core features cover managed beans, a template-based component system, built-in Ajax support using<f:ajax />
, built-in support for bookmarking and page-load actions, integration with the unified expression language (EL), a default set of HTML- and web application-specific UI components, a server-side event model, state management, two XML-based tag libraries, and so on.
For instance, PrimeFaces is a lightweight, open source component suite for Java Server Faces 2, featuring a rich set of JSF...