Using Render Grid, Cartesian Grid, and Polar Grid
In this recipe we will see how we can render different kinds of grids using Render | Grid, Render | Cartesian Grid and Render | Polar Grid extensions.
The grids rendered in this recipe are objects in Inkscape and are not to be confused with the helper grid lines set in Document Properties (Shift + Ctrl + D). In other words, these grids are meant to be part of the drawing content, and not to be used as drawing aides.
How to do it...
The following steps will show how to render grids:
1. Open the Grid dialog by going to Extensions | Render | Grid....
2. Set both Horizontal Spacing and Vertical Spacing to 50.
3. Leave the other options as default and press Apply. The page area will be filled with lines 50 px apart.
4. Open the Cartesian Grid dialog by going to Extensions | Render | Cartesian Grid....
5. In the dialog set the parameters according to the following table:
Major X Divisions
Major Y Divisions
Major X Division Spacing [px]