Upgrading your application
Using deployments in Kubernetes makes upgrading an application a straightforward operation. As with any upgrade, you should have good failbacks in case something goes wrong. Most of the issues you will run into will happen during upgrades. Cloud-native applications are supposed to make dealing with this relatively easy, which is possible if you have a very strong development team that embraces DevOps principles.
The State of DevOps report (https://puppet.com/resources/report/2020-state-of-devops-report/) has reported for multiple years that companies that have high software deployment frequency rates have higher availability and stability in their applications as well. This might seem counterintuitive, as doing software deployments heightens the risk of issues. However, by deploying more frequently and deploying using automated DevOps practices, you can limit the impact of software deployment.
There are multiple ways you can make updates to applications...