Chapter 4. Beginning Ghost Theme Development
This chapter will be a guide to kickstart your first Ghost theme from scratch.
However, we won't be just walking you through designing one or two specific example themes, because then all you would know would be just how to make one or two specific themes. Instead, we're aiming to equip you to build any kind of theme you might want to for Ghost. In order to do this, we're not going to focus directly on design, but rather on all the little tools and tricks available through the Ghost theme API that you currently have to work with as a designer.
First, we'll cover the spaces on a Ghost blog you get to control via a theme design, such as your main index area, your individual posts and so on. We'll refer to each of these as themeable areas. Secondly, we'll look at the visual building blocks Ghost currently offers you to put in those areas, that is, items such as blog titles, logos, and post content you can place...