Troubleshooting schemas and transforms
Issues in schemas surface when a message fails validation against a schema. If the validation fails, say due to extra tags, then a tracking record is added for the XML validation stage, thus reporting an error.
If the tracking entry indicates a schema validation error, the easiest way to test the schema is to generate a test message. For EAI/B2B schemas, Visual Studio provides a handy utility to generate an instance of the schema. After the schema is added to the project, right-click on the schema and choose Generate Instance of the file. From the Properties window of the schema, you can generate an instance in native (for flat file) or the XML format, as shown in the following screenshot:

Generating an instance of a schema from Visual Studio
Similar to schemas, transforms can generate erroneous output due to incorrect mapping, or one of the functoids can fault against a particular input. Transforms also support testing with sample data in Visual Studio...