Up to this point, we've talked about Git and the developer workflows available to our teams. We've spoken about everything-as-code, from infrastructure to tooling to applications all along the stack. Now, let's tie this all together with GitOps.
GitOps sounds a bit like a buzzword, as DevOps was when it was first coined. In fact, we heard someone describe it to us as DevOps for the year 2020. GitOps is a simple process of managing all of your systems, environments, and applications via Git. Git represents the single source of truth for all your applications, your tooling, and even your clusters. Changes to any of these things can be pull requested and discussed before an automated process applies them.
The difference between infrastructure-as-code (IaC) and GitOps is the approach to managing the configuration. IaC is agnostic to where you store the configuration; it could be on a flash drive in your drawer or it could be a shared drive in the cloud. GitOps...