In this chapter, we will see how to develop games to be run in modern web browsers, or in GUI windows.
For that purpose, we will first describe the typical architecture of any interactive game that is based on the animation loop concept.
Then, the Quicksilver crate will be introduced. This is a framework that allows us to create a graphical application based on an animation loop. It allows us to generate a Wasm executable to be run in a web browser, or a native executable to be run in a desktop environment.
The first project (ski) will be very simple: just a page containing one ski that can be rotated by pressing arrow keys. This project will show the general architecture of a game, how to draw on a page, and how to handle input.
The second project (silent_slalom) will add features to the first project, creating a complete—albeit very simple—game. However, it will not use loadable resources such as images, fonts, or sounds.
The third project (assets_slalom...