- Where can I find out about the compatible version of Kubernetes components with each release?
Go to the Kubernetes official documentation to learn about the version skew policy: https://kubernetes.io/releases/version-skew-policy/.
- Where can I learn about the latest developments of the etcd store?
Go to https://etcd.io/, where you will find the latest developments of the etcd store. For daemons and guidance on how to get started with etcd, please go to the official documentation: https://etcd.io/docs/.
- What is a recommended official Kubernetes article for upgrading a Kubernetes cluster?
I recommend bookmarking the article Upgrading the kubeadm, where you will find most key commands and processes: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-upgrade/.
- What is a recommended official Kubernetes article for backup and restore etcd?
I recommend bookmarking the article Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes...